Hey There!
This is me

I am a Pre-final year student based in Bhubaneshwar having skills and willing to explore and learn to expand my horizons.
About me!

About Me

I love to code and develop websites and designs with beautiful user interfaces, My passion for design, photography and fitness allows me to bring a creative perspective to my work.
My goal is to create engaging digital experiences that meet my clients' needs and exceed their expectations.

I believe in collaboration and communication, and I would love to work with clients to understand their vision in the delivery of the projects and development.

Services I do

Here are some few fields in which I love to work

Web Development

Here's the link to my Github profile and my projects in Web Development, including this portfolio website and much more.


I have been practising UI/UX in Figma for about 5 months and I would love to design something that would take minimilistic approaches. Here's my behance profile link.


I have collection of great photos shot in multiple enviornments, I have been learning photography since years and still learning, scroll/click to see some.


Node.js Developer & Product Design Intern

I contributed as a developer, focusing on building APIs. I managed logistics data, enabling efficient storage and retrieval of data. As part of the design process, I utilized my design skills to create the entire UI of the app, develop prototypes, and wireframe client requirements.

Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, Prisma ORM, SQL, Postman, Javascript, Figma

Company: Flying Chital

April'23 - Present


Emotion Based Music Recommendation System

As part of a project, my role was vital in performing exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the dataset, designing the webpages, and building the webpage for redirection to the index page in case of failure from either server or client side.

Tech Stack: Python, Numpy, Data Analysis, HTML, CSS, JS

Portfolio Website

Built my portfolio website using HTML, CSS, JS as front-end and Node.js for the back-end. Used MongoDB for the database and Figma for designing the UI.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, MongoDB, Figma

Mini Authentication Project

I built a mini signup and login system with a login page, a signup page, a welcome page, session and web tokens, and a schema. The system allows users to log in, create an account, and be welcomed after a successful login. Session and web tokens are used to keep track of users who are logged in, and the schema defines the structure of the data that is stored in the system. Used express-session, JWT-Tokens, bcrypt, etc.

Tech Stack: Javascript, Node.js, Express.js, Postman, SQL

Commercial Demo Websites

Designed and developed two commercial demo websites. Used Figma for UI design.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, Figma



C C++

Web Designing

HTML5 CSS3 Javascript


Node.js Express.js JQuery MongoDB Bootstrap


Figma UI/UX Canva MS Word Adobe Photoshop CC 2019



Bachelor's in Technology - 8.43CGPA
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubhaneshwar, Odisha, India.


AISSCE - XII - 92.2%
Lucknow Public School, Lucknow

High School

AISSCE - X - 89%
Lucknow Public School, Lucknow

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